when you meet the real jesus,
you’ll find him irresistible.

We specialize in helping people discover Jesus and learn to follow him.

Join us Sunday at 8, 9:30, or 11 am.

Whether you’re a long-time follower of Jesus or a bit of a skeptic, you’re welcome here.  

Find your people

Find a small group class or study to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.

Find your people in a community group at Journey Church.

Contribute to meaningful local and global change at Journey Church or through one of our mission partners.


Journey Church launched in 2009 as a church where men and women could explore a relationship with Jesus at their own pace.

For over 15 years, we’ve had the privilege of guiding hundreds of people toward hope, healing, and belonging in the family of God. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we have a place for you.

join us on sunday

Services at Journey Church are at 8, 9:30, or 11 am at 20020 Hampton Drive in Gretna, Nebraska.

You can also watch the service live on our Facebook or Youtube page at 9:30, or catch a replay there afterward.


Heads up! Hampton Drive is not a through-street from the East, even though Google Maps shows that it is. Please cross 204th Street heading North. You’ll find us to the West off of Husker Drive.

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